OBS participa en el quinto Simposio de EFMD: "Digital as Mainstream?"
5th EOCCS Learning Community Symposium
OBS Business School tiene el honor de anunciar que será uno de los anfitriones del 5to Simposio International de EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development), que se celebrará los próximos 23 y 24 de septiembre. El tema del simposio, que será online, es “Digital as Mainstream?”, y su objetivo principal es compartir “best practices”, facilitar la interacción entre instituciones y fomentar el conocimiento y la investigación sobre educación online.
Por motivo del quinto aniversario, EFMD ha decidido implicar a instituciones de referencia en el panorama académico que serán:
- OBS Business School, España
- Universidad de la Sabana, Colombia
- Lomonosov Moscow State University, Rúsia
Cada institución, representada por sus máximos responsables académicos, organizará un panel en torno a la temática central, intentando responder a preguntas como: ¿Ha llegado lo digital para quedarse en las escuelas de negocios? ¿En qué medida cambiará la práctica? ¿Cómo se seguirá garantizando la calidad?
The Future of Management Education: Re-thinking Business Models
Luis F. Toro Dupouy, Ph.D and Director of Executive MBA & Master of International Business at OBS Business School
The current dilemma for business schools is how to continue capturing, creating and delivering value in a digital transformation era. The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly accelerated the digital transformation and is influencing consumption patterns. It has also changed the work reality of the workforce. Disruptive technologies such as automation of knowledge work, big data, internet of things, cloud computing, advanced materials, renewal energies and advance robotics, among others, have transformed life, businesses and the global economy. Business schools have to rethink their business models to successfully fill the gap between what students learn and what is demanded of them in this digital world.
The Challenge of Disruptive Technologies
Facilitators: Several OBS instructors
Members of the audience will be broken up into several groups. Each group will reflect on one of the disruptive technologies referred to in the presentation (big data, internet of things, cloud computing, etc.).