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Antonio Laguna's testimonial about the Professional Profile Diagnosis Service

Descubre la opinión de Antonio Laguna sobre el servicio de diagnóstico del perfil profesional

Antonio Laguna shares his experience participating in the Professional Profile Diagnosis service. Antonio studied the Master in Marketing Digital, Growth Hacking and eCommerce at OBS Business School. 

"It has helped me redefine part of my job positioning strategy, particularly with regard to networking. This has helped me to focus my efforts on highlighting my most relevant skills and experiences to recruiters."


Tell us briefly about your career

I am originally from Mexico City and have been living in Auckland, New Zealand for 3 years. I am currently working as an Integrated Supply Chain Chapter Member for The Warehouse Group (TWG). I have completed a Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce at OBS, which has allowed me to develop relevant skills for my current position.

Why did you decide to join the service?

I decided to sign up for the "CV Diagnostic" because I wanted to improve my professional profile and increase my chances in the job market. My initial expectations were to receive valuable feedback on my CV and how to highlight my strengths.

Have you been able to enhance your profile and reach more recruiters?

Yes, thanks to the "CV Diagnostic" service I was able to identify areas of improvement in my profile. The recommendations I received were accurate. It has helped me to redefine part of my job positioning strategy, particularly with regard to networking. This has helped me to focus my efforts on highlighting my most relevant skills and experiences to recruiters.

What has been your experience with this service?

My experience with this service has been very positive. I received specific and useful advice to improve my CV and my professional profile. I would definitely recommend this service to other current students or alumni. The diagnosis is accurate, easy to act upon and enriching.

What has your time at OBS meant for you?

My time at OBS has been fundamental to my professional development. The knowledge acquired during my Master has allowed me to advance my career and perform effectively in my current role at TWG. It has certainly helped my approach to eCommerce activities by complementing my Supply Chain experience and my educational background.

Now you know Antonio Laguna's opinion about the Professional Careers service, Diagnosis of the Professional Profile. If you want to know more experiences of OBS Business School alumni, do not hesitate to consult them.