Conoce las opiniones de los alumnos de OBS Business School
La Opinión de Albert Pérez, alumno de OBS Business School

OBS Business School Experiences

We are OBS

The aim of OBS Business School is to provide a unique and quality training experience to all our students. Our philosophy is encompassed in a 100% online environment where the student is always our main focus. Therefore, we work every day to continuously improve and update all our programmes and services, considering all the opinions of those professionals who, like you, have placed their trust in us. Discover the different experiences lived by our students.

"The Master has allowed me to acquire a global vision of the digital market without having to move from my country".
Catalina Rendón
Master in Digital Business Management
"I have completed two masters in OBS and the truth has been a pleasant experience due to the high quality of the teachers with whom I have shared these two masters, their professionalism and the fact of living with many colleagues"
Saúl Torres
Master in Project Management
"I have a lot of interviews after completing my master's degree, mostly with international companies". 
Nura Fouad Zlitni
Master in International Business Management
"During the Master I have found new contacts. Not only local, but also international ones with a very rich experience that, in fact, has served and nurtured me professionally".
Rodrigo Adrianzén
Master in Digital Transformation
"The benefits are availability and find that balance between work, learning and growing"
Maria Christina Rose
Global MBA and Master in Project Management
"My experience at the school has been very positive. I have had the opportunity to meet people from all over the world. It has allowed me to broaden my networking, as well as learn from the different teachers".
Raúl Giménez
Global MBA
"I was very satisfied, I learned a lot. After doing the master's I changed my career path and started a business, so it was very important for me.
María Eugenia Martín
Executive MBA
"OBS is perfectly adapted to what I was looking for, because it has given me the opportunity to grow from a more academic point of view, with a very specific methodology and has allowed me to continue growing and try to incorporate all my knowledge and experience".
Ricard Muñoz
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"The Master helped me to be able to develop the area of communications from another perspective, taking into consideration all the experience of the professors and the support of having colleagues from other countries, it helps you to work in a different way on communication campaigns".
Karely Munárriz
Master in International Business Management
"It gave me the opportunity to understand how companies operate in different aspects of human rights, labour practices, environmental practices, even in all aspects of sustainable development itself in the countries and in day-to-day life.
Rafael Castellano
Master in CSR and Sustainable Leadership
"Thanks to this Master, my life changed completely. I started in Communication and Marketing and after graduating I started as a Director in a new company".
Elodie Guillard
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"The online Master's has many advantages"
Steffen Spee
Master in Digital Transformation and Business Development
"I found immediate impact in my work. It opened my mind and doors. It generated value for me and for others because of all that I was able to learn."
Andrea Novara
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
"The OBS online methodology was exactly what I was looking for because I could organise my time they way I wanted".
Steve Meguebtchie
Master in Project Management
"Studying at OBS has been an absolutely fantastic experience for me."
Dayanara Harnisth
Master in Information Systems and Technology Management
"The faculty members are excellent, the online discussions are very interesting, we do a lot of networking’’.
Nelson Saint-Hilaire
Executive MBA
"The Master helped me to enhance discipline and effective communication among my classmates and teachers through the online methodology".
Simón Cadena
Master in Financial Management
"I imagine my future very bright. As soon as I finished, I applied for a new position in the company and I won it."
Adriana Barrientos
Master in Consumer Experience Management
"It was an excellent experience, from the methodology and professors, to the final project itself."
Ruben Cairol
Master in International Business Law
"It made it easier for me to study at a distance. It also made it easier for me to raise my level, and even study at the Tecnológico de Monterrey, which was something I was very interested in as well.
Dina Cristiane
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
"OBS has an online platform, which is very beneficial for family matters, children, relocation and the teachers are of high quality. The master's degree helped me a lot, it provided me with new tools that I am currently implementing"
Sebastián Zuloaga
Master in Cybersecurity
"It's excellent that the methodology is online, and obviously I took it because of its academic prestige and the double degree with the University of Barcelona".
Soledad Cassini
Master in Marketing Digital, Growth Hacking and eCommerce
"OBS online methodology has allowed me to pursue my professional dream by fostering self-responsibility, all while maintaining the closeness I need."
Albert Pérez
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"I took the challenge to study online and it was encouraging. It is a Master with an international vision and a multidisciplinary team."
Marilina Vergara
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"The experience has been very positive. The level of the teachers is very high. I chose OBS mainly because of the flexibility of the studies with work, family and social life".
Carles Arques
Master in Project Management
"My experience at the school has been extraordinary, so much so that I have studied two masters with them".
Carmen Montenegro
Executive MBA
"I had been looking for a Master programme to consolidate my knowledge, OBS had what I was looking for".
Albert Hatero
Master in Branding and Brand Strategy
"The experience with the school has been wonderful from start to finish".
Raúl Angel
Executive MBA
I wanted to engage with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, to exchange perspectives, and to immerse myself in a truly global experience.
Mineli Sánchez
Master in Project Management
"OBS opened the doors to much more sophisticated teaching methods and provided enhanced accessibility".
Roberto Gallardo
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"I've had the chance to delve into case studies and broaden my international network, enriching my learning experience."
Dianne Álvarez
Global MBA
"I chose OBS because of the quality of its trajectory staff and its track record as a school"
Álvaro Azócar
Master in Project Management
"They have excellent teachers and the methodology of study is also really good".
Alejandra Abelando
Master in Project Management
"I work in a technology company, discovered the topic of digital transformation and ventured into understanding the academics behind the inner workings of the digital transformation to help other companies move into this space."
Alberto Obaldia
Master in Digital Transformation
"I chose OBS because it offers the opportunity to do a Master 100% online and obtain a double degree with the University of Barcelona".
Yamely Serna
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
"The Master prepared us to understand new trends and be able to anticipate and make decisions in the face of uncertainties as big as AI".
Jorge Ciudad
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"My time at OBS has been truly enriching - I wholeheartedly recommend it! The program has afforded me a comprehensive understanding of my field, granting me a broader perspective and enhancing my professional capabilities."
Mónica Mondéjar
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"It has been a truly transformative experience that has facilitated my personal growth in profound ways."
José Juan Cardona
Master in Digital Transformation
"It has afforded us the opportunity to engage with individuals from diverse cultures, enabling us to glean insights from varied approaches to work."
Herminia Arias
Master in Project Management
"I needed to become an import, logistics and supply chain specialist in my country. "
Carlos Efrain
Master in Supply Chain Management and Logistics
"The methodology is great for its flexibility, which is why I like it."
Arlene Rivera
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"The experience has been incredibly enriching, largely due to OBS's exceptional teaching staff."          
Jonathan Deza
Executive MBA
"I envision applying the knowledge I've acquired to propel my future growth, possibly expanding my horizons by applying it in another country while remaining open to continuous learning and development."
Lorena Zambrano
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
"OBS has opened doors for me to improve my country’s industry and collaborate globally."
Christian Flores
Master in Production Management and Industrial Automation
"I have improved my teamwork skills and my ability to use technology in my daily life"          
Gloria Mendoza
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"When you have to juggle business, activities and family, the way to do it successfully has been through OBS".
Pablo Borrero
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
"It has been very enriching, we were connected with people from Latin America, Spain and different countries".
Laura Tejada
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"The Master program was instrumental in fostering my skills, particularly in data research and methodologies for defining and establishing project objectives."
Víctor Jesús Medina
Master in Project Management
"I've developed proficiency in adopting new technologies, enhanced my teamwork skills, deepened my empathy, and expanded my ability to cultivate diverse networks."
María Belén Sarlinga
Master in Digital Transformation
"Initially, I was skeptical about online training, but after getting a glimpse of the platform, connecting with the teachers, and collaborating with people from diverse countries, my confidence skyrocketed."
Mónica Tatiana Martínez
Master in Supply Chain Management and Logistics
"The Executive MBA has given me a strategic vision to anticipate change, be versatile and ready to adapt to market needs at all times."
Rodrigo Rozo
Executive MBA
"It has provided me with a wider vision in terms of global management".
Doriela Lozada
Executive MBA
"The methodology allowed us to interact both in discussions and group work with people from different countries".
Irene Ludeña
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
"The master's degree brought me up to date and opened my eyes to new information technologies".
Marlon Sanchez
Master in Information Systems and Technology Management
"I decided to repeat the experience of studying in international groups and the teachers are of a very good quality"
Rosa María Solares
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"It struck a perfect balance between theory and practice. It wasn't solely focused on theoretical concepts or video conferences; rather, it provided a rewarding mix of both. Engaging in video conferences, completing assignments, and receiving follow-up support all contributed to a fulfilling learning experience."    
John Reyes
Máster en Dirección Estratégica de Operaciones e Innovación
"It has helped me develop the area of communications from another perspective, taking into consideration all the experience of the professors"
Karen Eyzaguirre
Master in Corporate Communication Management
‘The online methodology has allowed me to adapt my schedule and enjoy more free time’.
Javier Briones
Master in Design Thinking and Product Development
Adriana Puig Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship "Entrepreneurship is not easy, I was able to learn from other international professionals"
Adriana Puig
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
"The Master's program has empowered me to implement new and effective techniques and methodologies in my professional endeavors."
Vanina Moreno
Master in Digital Transformation
"It has complemented my skills in innovation processes, and to be able to provide a more comprehensive profile."
Pedro Aragón
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
"I highly recommend it because it is an experience that helps  develop yourself on a professional level and deepen one's knowledge, while also being personally enriching."
María Núñez
Master in Financial Management
"It has helped me break down barriers of distance and technology"
Nadiezhda Castro
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"My experience has been very good, I feel I have learned. One person went in and another has come out much better prepared".
Michela Pincay
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"It's a high-quality master's program with an international scope. It also offers numerous networking opportunities".
Óscar Hernández
Master in Sales Management and Commercial Leadership
‘I have acquired very useful hard skills to apply in my work field’.    
Juan Camilo Vigoya
Financial Management
"The online platform that OBS uses is impressive. It facilitates all online education. I recommend it, it is very easy to use."
Daniela Bueno
Master in International Business Management
"Many of the modules of the master I am implementing today in the field I work".
Sergio Corte
Master in Supply Chain Management & Logistics
"The academic level and standards are the best, the effort and pressure have had their results."
Rolando Delki
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
The methodology allows for accommodating class schedules with working life.
Andrey Cortés
Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce
“This master's degree means taking a step further in my professional career; I aspire to a similar position within my organization.”
Andrés Sánchez
Executive MBA
"The Master requires commitment and dedication. Being able to do it online allows you to manage your time and balance your family and professional life".
Carolina Rojas
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
"The quality of the professors is excellent; they're always ready to assist with any inquiries or concerns you may have".
Karime Triana
Master in Digital Transformation
"I met people from other countries and expanded my knowledge through the additional materials provided".
Marta Pérez
Master in Marketing Digital, Growth Hacking and eCommerce
"It aligned well with my lifestyle and schedule, and I also developed strong relationships with the teachers."
Maria del Valle Baena
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"This Master will significantly enhance my professional growth, since I'm currently working in a multinational in Colombia that offers opportunities for mobility and advancement within the organization."
Julieta Rojas
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
"Anyone aspiring to lead in a corporate communications organization should pursue a master's degree of this caliber."  
Camilo Andrés Jaimes
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"It broadened my horizons and proved to be exactly what I needed".
Miluska Sánchez
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"For me, it has fulfilled all my expectations, everything I had hoped for and imagined has been translated into very concrete things"
Luis Miguel Aragon
Master in Supply Chain Management and Logistics
"I had direct access to the instructors, who promptly addressed all my inquiries, and my Program Manager was consistently accessible to me."
Sigrid Ogaldez
Master in International Business Management
"The platform enables you to attend classes, maintain flexible schedules, interact, and communicate with your international work group comfortably".
Katia Delgado
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"It offers everything necessary to ensure the success of my company's digital transformation process."
Hernán Gómez
Master in Digital Transformation
"Working with my classmates has been incredibly enriching. It's made me realize the boundless potential for developing new projects".
Frida Melgar
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
"Thanks to the Master I have been able to get a job related to my studies and with great growth oppotunities."
Adrián Rodríguez
Master in Production Management and Industrial Automation
I have gained a deep understanding of what it takes to work in Project Management and have met many inspiring professionals throughout the program.
Maria Elisabetta Garcia
Master in Project Management
"OBS' online methodology is great: it really makes you feel connected. The teachers are always available and you have access to the material 24/7".
Stephania Jhaya
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
"The opportunities expand globally because of the network of contacts offered by the Master and Alumni. This has allowed me to grow professionally and to develop professionally".
Jorge Amado
Master in Production Management and Industrial Automation
"It has enhanced my ability to adapt to change and successfully implement global strategies within my company."
Rafael Hincapié
Master in International Business Management
"I gained insights into crucial facets of communication, including financial communication, of which I previously had little awareness."
Claudia Maria Acosta
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"I was able to come onboard to new strategic thinking about the innovation process and develop different techniques to maximize results"
Natalia Bonilla
Máster en Innovación y Emprendimiento
"This was the best option to combine my studies with my work and personal life".
Mariana Merino
Master in Health Management

OBS Community

At OBS Business School we also work to nurture and care for our Alumni Community, a large international network of more than 42.000 professionals. To this end, we offer a wide variety of services and exclusive events in continuing education, professional development and networking to help you grow as a professional and as a person.

"Events like this allow us to meet people with similar interests in terms of professional growth’’.
Katherine Alarcón
Alumni Day España
"They have encouraged us to take the step to develop our own projects"
Carlos Robles
Alumni Day España
"It is vital to connect with other cultures to learn from entrepreneurship, innovation and marketing".
Andrea Feo
Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
"Lifelong learning allows me to constantly adapt to whatever comes my way".
Elías Gargallo
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"Being a part of the Alumni Community is an experience full of opportunities"
Alba Ortiz
Master in Project Management
"This event exceeded all my expectations. Besides, it allowed me to meet people from all over the world".  
Edwin Valdez
Máster en Innovación y Emprendimiento
"I want to spotlight the professionals' genuine transparency and the honesty they showed to the public during the event"
Jenny Moreno
Master in Project Management
"I was very pleased to witness the quality of the speakers and the interest of the students".
Arnau Peral
Executive MBA
"It has afforded me the opportunity to exchange knowledge with both peers and seasoned professionals."
Elvira Llamas
Master in Digital Transformation
"It surpassed my expectations; we all aspire to professional growth in an esteemed institution like OBS."
Alexandra Navarro
Master in International Business Management
"My experience at OBS event has been of great value for my continuous learning".
Jhonatan Bustos
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
 "It has allowed us to connect with our colleagues and meet them in person."
Betany Briceño
Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce
"Engaging with great professionals and networking with individuals from diverse fields and backgrounds".
Juan Santos
Master in Project Management
"The two words I would use to define my experience today are: motivating and inspiring".
Judit Giralt
Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce
"OBS excels in connecting its professionals, fostering a strong network of talent."
Johanna Velandia
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"The proximity of the experts, their candor, and the way they transmit their knowledge were of immense value."  
Francisco Cambero
Master in Production Management and Industrial Automation
"I'd highlight the experts' dedication and how honest they were in sharing their experience with us".
John Casas
Master in International Business Management
"It has enabled me to see the broader spectrum of professionals and the various disciplines that ultimately guide us toward pursuing a master's degree."
Fernanda Bravo
Master in Project Management
"These events facilitate synergies; as professionals, we need to socialize to foster our professional growth."
Natalia Salinas
Master in Business Intelligence and Analytics
"It has inspired me to embrace challenges and pursue my goals with determination, even in the face of adversity".
Marc García
Master in Management Coaching and Leadership
"It's been a spectacular experience; I loved being able to share it with so many professionals."
Luisa Dorrio
Master in Corporate Communication Management
"I would emphasize the caliber of the speakers, representing both Deloitte and Fútbol Club Barcelona, and the strong rapport they share."
Toni Marín
Máster en Branding y Estrategia de Marca
"This experience has been a significant stepping stone for me, propelling me towards both personal and professional success".
Mery González
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
"OBS embodies innovation at its core."        
Carmen Benoit
Master en Marketing Digital, Growth Hacking y eCommerce
"The atmosphere, the interactions with colleagues, and the discussions have been absolutely fantastic."
Alex Morales
Global MBA
"There's a before and an after OBS; it gave me the opportunity to launch my own company"
Cristina Sotelo
Master in Coaching Management and Leadership
"OBS, once just a digital experience, is now a tangible reality"
Edgar Ruiz
Master in International Business Management
"My experience at OBS has been an opportunity to broaden both my network and my knowledge".
Daniela Garcia
Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce
"OBS has enabled me to pursue an MBA while balancing work and a busy personal life".
Pedro Vidal
Global MBA
"They are not just inspiring leaders, but they also serve as catalysts for personal and professional growth".
Laura Chica
Master in Customer Experience Management
"I would describe the experience at OBS as a multicultural journey enriched by high-quality online education."
Cesar Paredes
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management
It has afforded me the opportunity to engage in what I love and am deeply passionate about.  
Alisson Paredes
Master in Branding and Brand Strategy
"I sense that I've grown and learned significantly, and I feel more equipped today to tackle the challenges that lie ahead".
Ignacio Maldonado
Master in FinTech: Finance Digital Transformation