Descubre el Máster 100% online en Marketing Digital, Growth Hacking y eCommerce

Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce

School of Business Administration & Leadership

The Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce provides professionals with all the necessary tools to successfully communicate online, as well as the newest methods to develop the most effective digital strategies. This programme is essential for professionals who work navigating the ever-expanding digital economy, with e-commerces spreading at an unprecedented rate. This programme is ranked TOP 5 in Spanish in the E-Business and Digital Marketing category of Eduniversal's Best Masters Ranking.

School of Business Administration & Leadership de OBS
Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce (Spanish)
  • 12 months
  • 60 ECTS
  • APRIL 2025
  • Online
  • 7700 €
Universitat de Barcelona (UB), partner académico de OBS Business School
Universitat de Barcelona

Get a double degree from our academic partner, the reference university in Catalonia and Spain with more than 560 years of history behind it.

OBS ha recibido la máxima distinción de QS Stars en online learning
QS Stars Rating System

We are the first 100% online Business School in the world to receive the QS Stars rating, obtaining the highest distinction, five QS Stars, in the Online Learning category.

Ranking Eduniversal 2021
Ranking Eduniversal

The Master in Digital Marketing and e-Commerce obtains the 5th position in Spanish in the E-Business and Digital Marketing category of the Eduniversal Ranking.



    Understand the new paradigm of digital communication to improve the effectiveness of your strategies throughout different campaigns. Do so through an in-depth study of the essential elements and tools.


    Learn about the phases of the management process of an eCommerce, as well as the techniques used in each one of them to optimally lead this type of business, from user acquisition to after-sales service.


    Identify the elements that are a part of the social media environment and learn to adapt them to the development of each specific digital strategy. Learn to design a Social Media plan, determining the necessary resources (human, technical and economic) in an effective and efficient way.


    Identify the changes that have taken place in the technological environment in the last few years and analyse how they've impacted on the digital marketing and eCommerce sector. This will help you implement each technique accordingly and readjust a communication strategy.

Conoce al detalle de los principales objetivos del Máster 100% online de OBS Business School

Syllabus of the Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce

Our programme is structured in 2 blocks and culminates with the Master’s final project. In addition, during the development of the programme there will be four voluntary bootcamps and different additional activities.

Block 1. Digital Marketing
Block 2. eCommerce
Final Project
Bootcamps and Additional Activities

Ignacio Somalo Peciña
Programme Director and Lonesome Digital Founder

1. Digital Marketing

This subject is mostly introductory and serves to give context to the rest of the programme and to present the main magnitudes of e-commerce. This subject will cover topics related to the basic concepts of the digital economy, as well as the main elements that enable any professional to interact with solvency in this new competitive environment.

Professor: Ignacio Somalo Peciña, Founder of Lonesome Digital.

In digital marketing, one of the most successful strategies that allows for the best return on investment (ROI) is the proper management of search engine presence. Through this introductory course to search engines, students will understand and be able to manage the need for these tools for their online presence. Pay Per Click (PPC or SEM) campaigns and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) management will maximise targeted traffic to the website, with a special emphasis on the problems and situations that Marketing Managers face today.

Professor: Xavier Castellnou Del Arco, Digital Marketing Consultant at Interdigital.

Affiliate marketing and permission marketing are key tools in performance marketing. Increasingly, advertisers are allocating more of their advertising budgets to digital media, where they can measure results very directly. Affiliate platforms and email marketing campaigns are designed to deliver tangible results for businesses. It is therefore important to have a good understanding of how these platforms work and what are the keys to developing successful advertising campaigns on them. This subject will provide the necessary knowledge to understand how they work.

Professor: Eduardo Berrocal Ruiz, Founder of EDUNEXT SOLUTIONS.

Developing a good social media communication plan is one of the determinants of the success of a marketing campaign. In this subject we will look at the different steps to create a successful social media strategy, following the outline of a Social Media Plan. The idea is to provide the skills and knowledge to know how to manage communication in social media environments.

Professor: Antonio Mas Gómez, Partner and Director of Digital Experience at Good Rebels.

The automation of campaign management makes it possible to streamline the different processes involved. In this subject we will learn how to use marketing tools that allow communication with clients in an automated and personalised way, obtaining unique benefits by launching the most relevant messages in the right channel and at the right time. At the same time, we will work on understanding programmatic buying or Real Time Bidding, which allows us to obtain advertising spaces based on certain criteria, decided by the advertiser, from users who have visited a website to specific audience profiles.

Professor: Álvaro Cristóbal Rey, Senior Sales Director en Adform.

One of the great advantages of online marketing, compared to offline, is the possibility of measuring in real time the behaviour of users and, therefore, to know quickly and efficiently the effectiveness of our campaigns. In this course we will learn about the Google Analytics tool in depth.

Professor: Ramón Martín Guart, Co-founder of Abril Fresh Communication.

2. eCommerce

Offering an adequate service to customers is necessary if you want to build customer loyalty. The main objectives of this course are: to introduce the basic concepts of customer management, to learn about the main CRM tools, and to practice their application to customer loyalty in a company, as well as to show the policies that ensure satisfaction and loyalty in an online environment.

Professor: Ignacio Somalo Peciña, Founder of Lonesome Digital.

User experience is essential for companies that operate at a digital level, in short, for companies with business models based on eCommerce. This course will provide the tools, concepts, knowledge and ideas necessary to coordinate a team capable of building a successful digital asset, analysing the existing needs and organising the information in an appropriate way, supervising its development and knowing the tools available on the market.

Professor: Antonio Mas Gómez, Partner Director of Digital Experience at Good Rebels.

The management of operations in companies that operate through the network is not the same, since the processes are substantially modified. The main objective of the subject is to introduce the basic concepts of logistics, its functions, customer service, e-commerce fulfilment and means of payment on the Internet.

Professor: Verónica Rodríguez De Gortázar, COO at ROI UP Agency Spain.

In this course we will take an in-depth look at the backbone of Growth Hacking: the AARRR funnel. We will review the five phases of it, along with different tools and techniques that will help us to improve our business results, and to have a clear methodology to seek the highest performance with the fewest possible resources.

Professor: Iván Hernández Ruíz, Head of Performance & Digital Strategist at Good Rebels.

Master's Final Project and Additional Activities

This programme is designed to complement the content of the thematic blocks with the necessary training to achieve their internalisation. The training is conceived from a threefold perspective: technical assistance, personal support and individual and group challenges that are necessary to achieve the objectives set.

Pre-Masters Bootcamps

The student will have the opportunity to take 3 Pre-Master Bootcamps that will be opened progressively and can be taken at any time. Once the course has been completed and passed, a certificate of completion will be awarded.
- Bootcamp 1. Personal Branding
- Bootcamp 2. Data Storytelling
- Bootcamp 3. Creative thinking and innovation

In addition, students will also have the opportunity to take these pre-master courses; however, these are available only en english:
- Building Your Professional Brand for Employability and Career Success
- Finance Fundamentals

Introductory workshop | Campus Training

Before the start of the academic year, students will have the opportunity to attend an introductory workshop on the Campus where they will be provided with the tools and knowledge necessary for the correct use of the platform during the academic year.

Professional Development Programme (PDP)

Two weeks before the start of the academic year, students will be able to participate in a professional development programme where they will work hand in hand with a teacher to develop different skills such as time management, productivity and stress management and emotional intelligence. Upon completion of the workshop, and provided that the relevant activities have been carried out, a certificate of completion can be obtained.

The main objective of the Master's Final Project is to allow students to work on a project that allows them to put into practice all the knowledge acquired throughout the Master's Degree. Beyond an academic or learning activity, it is an opportunity to link training to economic and business reality.

Professor: Ignacio Somalo Peciña, Founder of Lonesome Digital.

The Master's in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce is complemented by lectures, bootcamps and seminars that are given in each of the blocks. These additional activities are carried out by renowned professionals in business management who, through videoconferences, present their experiences and case studies.

Bootcamp: Role playing
This bootcamp takes place within the framework of the Master’s final project. The aim of this workshop is to help students prepare the presentation of their projects, which will be the support for the defence of the same, before the tribunal.

Professor: Genoveva Purita, Director of positioning strategies at CEO Solutions Argentina.

Bootcamp: Preparing for Facebook Blueprint certification
In order to learn about the possibilities of Facebook and demonstrate their knowledge to companies and clients, Facebook offers different levels of certification that aim to verify that professionals know their platform and are able to make the best recommendations to their clients. Obtaining this certification will turn students into Facebook's "Digital Marketing Associate" and, together with the Master's degree itself, will improve the employability of graduates.

Professor: Antonio Mas Gómez, Partner Director of Digital Experience at Good Rebels.

Bootcamp: Google Ads certification preparation
Google offers a series of certifications in various products - Ads, analytics or Marketing platform - that allow certified users to demonstrate their level of knowledge of the advertising platform to third parties. Students will be able to prepare for the "Google Ads Search Campaigns Certification" and, together with the Master's degree itself, will improve the employability of graduates.

Professor: Marc Segarra Nebot, Head of SEM / SEM & PPC Specialist at Estudio34.

Bootcamp: Data analysis in online marketing and e-commerce
This bootcamp will allow students to understand from a practical perspective how we can use data, beyond digital analytics to optimize business processes in the digital field in the management of online campaigns and sales.
Profesor: Mireia Vázquez Molina, Director of Digital Presence, Media and Content at Banco Sabadell.

Bootcamp: Business models: the value proposition
Throughout this bootcamp, students will work on defining the business model of their final master's project (TFM) in search of the differential value proposition of their projects.

Professor: Ana Torrejón Beldad, Open Innovation Manager. Expert in entrepreneurship and development of R+D+i ecosystems.

Bootcamp: Preparation for Digital Marketing Institute (DMI) certification*.
Throughout this bootcamp, students will be provided with support and assistance in the process of completing the course corresponding to the certification of the prestigious DMI so that at the end of the period students can take the certification exam with guarantees.

Professor: Eduardo Berrocal Ruíz, Founder of EDUNEXT SOLUTION.

*The cost of the certification is not included in the price of the programme.

Virtual Exchanges and COILs

During the course of the programme, students will also be able to participate in a COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) with students from TEC de Monterrey and CENTRUM Peru*.

*Places for both activities are limited to a maximum number of participants.

Taller de intercambio con el TEC de Monterrey en el Global MBA de OBS

Company visits

During the course of the programme, students will have the opportunity to attend synchronous videoconferences with professional experts in the programme area. They will share their experience and provide best practices in the sector.


Most of the training is done asynchronously, that is, the exchange of knowledge is done through a platform that allows sharing written texts without the need for people to be connected at the same time. Additionally, in each of the subjects, synchronous sessions or 'webinars' are organised, where all participants are connected at the same time through an application, which allows the exchange of knowledge in 'real time'.

Students taking the Master in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce will have the opportunity to prepare for the following certifications*:

- DMI (Digital Marketing Institute) Certification
- Google Ads Certification
- Facebook Blueprint Certification

*The cost of the certifications is not included in the price of the programme.

Additionally, students can prepare for the Scrum Certification (Product Owner & Scrum Master)**.

**The cost of the certification, as well as the cost of the preparatory course are not included in the enrolment fee.


La metodología Student ON de OBS se centra en el estudiante impulsando su desarrollo profesional en un entorno 100% online

OBS has an online methodology where the student is always at the core. Said methodology is backed by active and internationally renowned professors who share their knowledge to enhance the professional development of students through a flexible, collaborative method with personalized monitoring. The goal is to create a unique educational experience that allows the assimilation of knowledge in a practical way.
Given that the fundamental pillar of the Student ON methodology is the student, each of them has their own Program Manager throughout the course, an academic figure that accompanies the student in a personalized way.


After successfully finishing the Master's degree, and having completed the relevant procedures, you will receive the Master's degree from OBS Business School. In addition, and provided that you meet the established academic and administrative requirements, you will obtain a Lifelong learning Master's degree from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB).

In order to obtain it, you must have a university degree. In the exceptional case of not having this degree and having passed the Master's evaluations, you will obtain a Higher University Diploma from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB).

At OBS Business School we are committed to having our own degree, which allows us to quickly update and adapt the programmes in each edition to be at the forefront of the educational level demanded by companies today. Our programmes are designed for professionals who want to strenghten their management skills and learn through an international experience.


Con los MBAs y Másters online de OBS podrás obtener una doble titulación

Admission Process

The fundamental aim of our admissions process is to ensure the suitability of candidates. All participants should get the most out of this learning experience, through a context in which it is possible to develop long-term relationships with classmates, faculty and alumni.

After completing the application form for one of our programmes, you will receive an e-mail with information about the School and a member of the Admissions Department will contact you to start the admission process. Once you have successfully passed the personal interview, you must submit all the required documentation to continue the admission process and certify that you meet the requirements of the student profile. After the Admissions Committee, if it is positive, you will be able to register and enrol in the programme you have applied for.

Steps of the Admissions Process of OBS Business School in English

Student's Profile

Our students on the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and eCommerce pursue one common goal: to strenghten and boost their professional careers in the digital sector to become the best possible leaders of today and tomorrow.

Student Profile for the Master's Degree in Digital Marketing, Growth Hacking and E-commerce
"When you have to juggle business, activities and family, the way to do it successfully has been through OBS".
Pablo Borrero
Master in Marketing and Commercial Management