Conoce el Employment Report 2021 de OBS Business School, aquí.
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OBS students have an employability rate of 96.7%

Anna Pérez redactora OBS
Anna Pérez

OBS Business School's Content Manager

Anna Pérez

The report shows that the average salary increase is +20.1%

  • The employability of students after completing a Master's degree at the school is 95.3%. This percentage increases to 98.1% in the case of the MBA program.
  • 92.4% of MBA students confirm that their education at OBS has had a positive impact on their professional development.
  • 74.6% of students have had new job offers after completing their studies at OBS.
  • 87.1% of entrepreneurs say that OBS has contributed to the creation of their company.

OBS Business School has published its annual Employment Report, a highly valuable study that analyzes the impact of the school on the professional growth of its students.

For any business school of international prestige such as OBS, it is essential to contribute to the employability of its students, as this is the only way to have a real impact on the development of society. This is why the Employment Report identifies the characteristics and activities of the school's educational offer that most help in responding to the different demands and needs of the market.

Employment Report 2024 Highlights

Among the most important information we can gather is that 73.7% of our MBA students obtain a salary increase after completing the program; in the case of our Master's students, 69.4% of them get an increase. In addition, more than 92% of our students say that their time at OBS has had a very positive impact on their career path

Another interesting data is that 68.8% of students move up the professional ladder after completing one of our MBAs; in the case of our Master's programs, 64.8% of the students experience this professional promotion.

OBS with entrepreneurship

Last June, the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) released its latest report on the evolution and state of entrepreneurship. Throughout the document, it is stated that "the highest rates of entrepreneurship occur at higher levels of education. [...] These entrepreneurship rates exceed those of entrepreneurs with lower educational levels, and consolidate the growth of entrepreneurial vocations in the population with higher educational qualifications."

At OBS, more than 87% of our students say that the school has contributed to the creation of their business. In addition, 94.3% of our students say they have acquired new knowledge and skills, while the 77.6% have managed to expand and strenghten their network.